Meet Aaron
Pastor, Coach, Veteran, Trainer, Chaplain, Author, and Entrepreneur
Being obedient to 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to show thyself approved…” Aaron received a Doctorate in Theology and Pastoral Counseling from Life Christian University and a Doctorate in Christian Counseling from American Christian College and Seminary. He is a Certified Pastoral Counselor with the International Association of Christian Counseling Professionals. He is a member with the International Coach Federation. He is a Certified SYMBIS Facilitator. ​He is a certified trainer with LeaderLabs:10 Essential Skills; and a certified TTI Success Insights DISC and 12-Driving Forces Behavior Assessor.
Aaron is the Senior Pastor of New Hope Church of God of Waldorf, MD. He is the founder and owner of GCM. He not only serves God, but he has served his country as well. He served over 20 years in the Armed Forces. He is a retired Chaplain with the Army National Guard. He participated in both Operation Noble Eagle (2003) and Operation Iraqi Freedom III (2005).
Where is
your POND?
Dr. Aaron Jones

One can only be useful
when he is restful.
Dr. Sharon Jones
Entrepreneur, Trainer, Coach, and Author
Sharon’s life’s motto is “Enjoying Life in Christ.” She earned a Doctorate in Christian Leadership and Management from Logos University. She is an Associate Certified Coach and member of the International Coach Federation. She is a Certified SYMBIS Facilitator, a certified trainer with LeaderLabs:10 Essential Skills, and a certified TTI Success Insights DISC and 12-Driving Forces Behavior Assessor.
Sharon is the Human Resource Pastor of New Hope Church of God of Waldorf, MD, and managing partner with GCM. She is the developer and facilitator of Still Waters Seminars.
Meet Sharon